B.A. (Hons), M.A (Econ). Ph.D., Hon. D.Sc Europe).

distinguished Indian Economist

Sir John Hicks who released on Feb 7th 1979 the book: Moulya Mathu Bandavala, by Dr. K. Puttaswamaiah – a translation, of ‘Value and Capital’ of J. R. Hicks which won the Nobel Prize to Hicks.

Name: Dr. K. Puttaswamaiah, B.A. (Hons),

M.A (Econ). Ph.D., Hon. D.Sc (Europe).





Tel No: + + 91-080-23398856/57

Fax : + + 91-080-23398791

Email: drkps.ijaee@gmail.com;drkps(at)bgl.vsnl.net.in

Website: www.drkps.com





Dr.K.Puttaswamaiah is a Distinguished Economist of India. He also had a distinguished  academic career with  Ph.D  in  Economics  through  B.A(Hons.) and M.A. in Economics,  besides  a Hon. D.Sc. Degree from an European body.

                   He has to his credit over 77 published Books, besides twenty projects formulated and equal number of Evaluation conducted,   besides large number of articles and book reviews, which are listed in the pages that follow.  He has to his credit  several schemes formulated for alleviation of poverty in Karnataka (State in India) and in India. His all projects have, thrown new ideas which are replicated in several  Countries in the World.  To mention just two examples, the project for Drought Prone Areas in  Bijapur district is the first project which provided elements in Planning for drought proofing, which are used in many Drought-Prone countries for getting financial assistance from the World Bank. The project for introduction of T and V  system at the gross-root-level in agriculture is used in more than 4,000 countries in the World   in formulating similar projects for external assistance.There are many such examples. He is a proven Administrator with over fifty years of  practical experience in Research and Administration.

                 He  is specialized in the areas of Planning and Evaluation, Regional Economics, the contributions of Nobel Laureates, Socio-Economic Surveys    to estimate un-employment  and Poverty in India  and lastly developing Indicators in various areas to measure or estimate poverty  and un-employment and demarcate back-ward and forward areas. He has also developed indicators/parameters for measuring customer services in Banks. These have been widely used.

                 He has practical experience of over four decades in the above areas and worked on a number of Steering and Advisory Committees  constituted by the Government of India  and the Indian Planning Commission.  He is one of the earliest Founder Members with Prof.V.K.R.V.Rao   who founded the Institute for Social and Economic Change at Bangalore, India. Dr.K.Puttaswamaiah is also Founder /Life Member of various Organisations /Associations in India and Abroad including the Indian Economic Association.

                Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics which was founded in 1991 with Prof.Jan Tinbergen, the first Nobel Laureate in Economics.  It has an  Advisory Committee with Members who are eminent Professors or Economists from all parts of the World including about ten Nobel Laureates.


                                               “ Exploit Natural Resources fully,

                                                  Develop Infrastructure or Perish”.





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