B.A. (Hons), M.A (Econ). Ph.D., Hon. D.Sc Europe).

distinguished Indian Economist


  • Overview
  • Index
  • Extracts
  • Impressions

            The problem of unemployment is baffling in the country and inspite of the earnest efforts made during the period of planned development, the backlog has increased from plan to plan. This has now become a subject of national concern and the reduction of unemployment and removal of destitution within a decade is considered the primary objective of economic policy. A publication dealing with the various facets of the problems of employment is thus timely. 

The author has presented the details in eight chapters. The first chapter deals with the various concepts of unemployment and full employment after a brief introduction of the modern approach towards the problem. Agricultural, industrial and educated unemployment is the subject matter of the next three chapters. Agricultural unemployment in India is analysed on the basis of the 1971 Census and the later data. The extent of disguised unemployment is broadly assessed. After an analysis of the statistics of industrial unemployment by using data from a variety of sources, the causes and remedies are discussed. The problem of educated unemployed constitutes a serious problem. The extent of the educated unemployed, the causes and the remedies are discussed and suggestions are given for reorganising the courses and training. Chapter five discusses the general employment situation in the country. The author also analyses the relationship between employment exchange statistics and unemployment. The next two chapters deal with "rationalisation and unemployment" and the "national employment services". The concluding chapter sets a new policy direction for the future.